It is extremely important to ensure that your Will is kept up to date. If you don't, you may be unaware that changes in your personal circumstances, or even in government legislation, have affected the validity of your Will.
At Wills and Trusts we are happy to review your existing Will free of charge, because we understand how important it is to make sure your family is protected. After all, you wouldn't want to spend money only to discover that no amendments were necessary.
What about making changes?Making changes is not as simple as writing extra items onto your existing Will. Anything added cannot be considered part of the legally binding document that was signed and witnessed. There are two options for making changes: one is to make a signed and witnessed addition to your original Will (called a codicil), but by far the better option is to make an entirely new Will.
Because of this, Wills and Trusts offer a Lifetime Updates service as part of our packages.
For more information simply email or call the number below to speak to a member of our team today.